CLUE works on a range of projects at the forefront of clinical epidemiology, aiming to deliver improvements in our understanding of disease management across a range of subjects in urology and other areas of clinical medicine and surgery.
Team visionRaising the quality of evidence, the quality of evidence summaries, and improving patient care |
PeopleCLUE Working Group is an international collaboration of researchers and clinicians with expertise in urology, epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, obstetrics/ gynecology, urogynecology, geriatrics, internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, psychiatry and biostatistics. Adjunct Professor Kari Tikkinen is the principal investigator of the CLUE Working Group. |
ValuesTransparency and honesty are highly valued in the CLUE Working Group. We strive to avoid conflicts of interests in our work. Everybody must openly declare their conflicts. |