CLUE Working Group Founder Kari Tikkinen Part of the List of Industry-Independent Medical Experts by The BMJ and
CLUE Working Group founder Kari Tikkinen was featured as part of a formal list of Industry-Independent Medical Experts prepared by The BMJ and HealthNewsReview.
Jeanne Lenzer, Shannon Brownlee, Gary Schwitzer and Adriane Fugh-Berman have compiled ‘The List’ by combining respected sources they had used over the years during their reporting after growing increasingly concerned about “news” reports that were thinly disguised marketing information promoted by industry and experts – including “academics” tied to industry. ‘The List’ was prepared as a resource for other journalists as well as agency officials who say they can’t find independent experts to serve on regulatory and guideline panels.
For more, including the current List: List of Industry-Independent Medical Experts
For more regarding the original concept of the List in The BMJ: Naming names: is there an (unbiased) doctor in the house?